Friday, December 30, 2011

Trees and Cars

Yesterday I went to an event around the corner from this street, and I saw these two cars that had been damaged by a falling tree in the recent windstorm.  This morning I went over to take some photos and ran into the owner who was meeting with someone from a car-salvaging company.  These cars were in the driveway when a huge deodar cedar tree, which I would have mistaken for a pine, fell on them.  The tan car has a 6-inch thick branch piercing the roof that goes all the way to the floor board.  The lower photo shows another deodar cedar on another part of the property that is similar to the one that fell.


Banjo52 said...

Hollywood! It's all drama!

Pasadena Adjacent said...
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TheChieftess said...

Our house is surrounded by Deodor trees in Glendale... One of them was planted when the house was built, which coincidentally was when TheChief was became the Danny now towers over the the master bedroom...

Our entire street is lined with Deodors as well...

Jack Meyhoffer said...

That was a totally farcical tree. If you had looked closely you could see that it was not real. Stop with your nonsense.